Thursday, August 27, 2009

Traditional Forms of Advertising vs. Social Media

Well, it's been awhile since I last posted my blog. I have been quite busy these last few months moving my family and business to Georgia. We are finally settling in and our business is back on track. I have joined a few networking groups here in Metro Atlanta and I am getting more involved with Social Networking.

Social Networking... is it replacing the traditional forms of advertising (i.e. - Business Cards, Flyers, Yard Signs, Magnets, etc.)??? This is the question that I will be exploring and blogging about next. Feel free to post your comments as I would love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Impressions

What does your business card say about you?

Your business card defines your image. Think about it, would you do business with a young man with piercings all over his face, spiked hair, and disheveled clothing that walks into your business and offers to teach all of your staff "Business Etiquette." No, of course not! Then, why would you leave a "poor quality" image of yourself and your company behind when you give your business card to a prospective client.

There are "cheap" business cards and then there are "high quality, low cost" business cards. The "cheap" business cards are those that are printed at home and have those "decorative" edges, the "free" ones that have someone elses advertising message on the back, and those flimsy ones that pretend to be "high quality" when in reality they are no better than the "free" ones.

A high quality business card should talk to your clients and say "I am worthy of your phone call, I am worthy of your business, I will give you the best service as I demand the best for myself." All business cards's just the message that is different. What message do you want to be sending the recipient? Do you want their business or are you hoping they glance at your card and then put it in "File 13?" If you answered that you want their business, then please bookmark this blog and check back to find out what to look for in high quality business cards.

Afterall, first impressions are lasting impressions.